Breakthrough 2022 Day 7
Day 7 Sunday January 9
Today we are praying for God to move mightily in the lives our children that they would make Him a priority in their lives and be influential leaders in their generations. We also want to pray for those who are sick among us and thank God for our daily bread and divine health in Christ.
As we pray for God’s priority in our children’s lives let us remember the ten commandments. The first four reference our relationship to God and the next six reference our relationship with each other. Jesus when asked which the greatest commandment reduced them to our love for God and each other. Love God with all your being and love your neighbor as yourself. It really is not hard to understand just hard to do. This is really a heart throne issue. When God is on our heart throne His gives us peace and the strength to obey. When we are on our heart throne our will wars against everyone even God.
The Sabbath is one of the greatest provisions God has made available to us. The fourth commandment says remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Notice it doesn’t say to keep the Sabbath but to remember the Sabbath. I believe that the greatest provision of God is to remember and not forget all His great benefits. The Sabbath is not a law to obey but rather a gift to receive. The provision we receive is rest. If we forget the Sabbath, we forfeit the provision of supernatural rest and refreshing.
Agur prayed for two things. First remove falsehoods and lies far from me. May we pray for us and our children to follow Christ the Truth away from all falsehood and lies. Second that he would have neither poverty nor riches lest he be full and deny his need for the Lord or be poor and steal or be dishonest and profane the great and hallowed name of the Lord. Let us rejoice in the Lord who meets all of our needs.
Jesus responded in the wilderness temptation with, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” May we pray and prophecy over our children that they will receive daily provisions of the Rhema word of God to direct their lives and secure their future.
Let us pray that we remember that we are a kingdom of priests to the Lord, and He will bear us on eagle’s wings as He did Israel at the Red Sea. Let us abide in the vine of Christ and bear fruit that lasts.
The provision of spiritual bread for our soul is much like the Sabbath. We must remember our need for it and not forget or we forfeit the life that it secures. We must remember we need a daily word. If we prioritized and modeled this more as adults, I believe our children would learn to remember and desire daily bread.
Say it like you can’t LIVE without it, “Give me this day MY DAILY BREAD.”