Breakthrough Fast 2022 Day 16
Day 16 Tuesday January 18
Today we are praying for God to reveal Himself to the hopeless as the anchor of hope. We are asking God to remove the veil from their eyes and unplug their ears to His incredible invitation to come home. We are asking God to use us to be a part of this process to bring blessing to those who need it and glory to God for it.
Our reading begins with the invitation to call upon the Lord and He promises to show us great and mighty things that we do not presently know. The technical name for this showing and knowing comes right out of the nine gifts mentioned in 1 Cor 12 as words of knowledge, words of wisdom, or even discerning of spirits. It seems everyone now wants to know what is going on and how things will turn out. I believe that we have been programmed with a faulty cypher that impedes our perception. God says if you want to know what is going on to call upon Him and He promises to show us.
The Psalmist reminds us that the Lord is near to all who call on Him in the truth of His covenant and He that will fulfill the desires of those who fear Him and He will hear their cries (petitions) and save them.
Our Hebrews reading begins with the boldness we have to enter the Holiest place by the blood of Jesus. The writer makes clear he in not talking about the tabernacle or the temple but the veil of Jesus flesh to the heart of God. He tells us that Jesus is the High Priest over the house of God.
He encourages us to draw ever nearer with a true heart and full assurance of faith because our hearts are sprinkled with the blood of Jesus cleansing us from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water of the word of God. We are to hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering when we see what we can’t explain. He assures us that He who promised is faithful. I believe the assumption is that the hearer was in a tempest or a storm not much unlike where we find ourselves today.
I find it amazing that two years ago when churches were closed believers realized how precious the right to assemble was but now a year later, I see a softening again. This reveals how quickly we forget really important things. There is no wonder the Apostle Paul instructed us to pray for our leaders and that we may live peaceable, quiet, and godly lives.
Jesus made it clear that when our desires are in sync with the Father, what Jesus defined as believing, we can ask for anything and God will do it for us. What an amazing revelation. What an incredible privilege it is to believe or be in sync with our Father in Heaven and bring His will on earth as it is in heaven.
Let us leverage our great PRIVILEGE to awaken the light that drives out the darkness and brings a clear voice of revelation to all who will hear.